Thursday, March 3, 2011

Resignation doesnt mean end... its means new beginning!

Well ,i did it ! i accepted another jobs proposition. i will soon be leaving my safe haven called DG and will be venturing out to the WORLD! i will begin my new job in two weeks. even though I'm a huge advocate of change I'm also some what of a chicken. i love change... any change is great but  like with any change in life comes the nerves. i must admit i am definitely nervous as HELL!....
these are the reasons I'm nervous

One I'm nervous how I'm going to really like the job. although i am extremely about the new experience i still wonder if i will really like it. only time will tell.

two ill be leaving my little safe,normal,routines job for one that have no clue what to expect. yes i do know the job entails ,but i don't know how they will receive me.  i guess that's a norm feeling when it come time to change.

three I'm nervous of leaving my friends. man Ive had some good times in DG. i also feel i grew up in DG. DG has been the longest job Ive had. 3years and that's a long time for me.

this new job will require me to work hard ,and a lot. this job will also allow me to create my own schedule, allow me to have flexibility in my day, i will get paid more,but with more responsibilities.  its ok ... I'm ready for the challenge. I'm ready to see what new things i can learn from this job. its time for a change ,and I'm ready. i really am.... did i mention this job will also allow me to continue working in my second job.

this decision has also shown me how how much support i really do have. lots of people  have really shown their support towards my decision. I'm so grateful to have them in my life. 

T- Minus two weeks. 

Cheers to Finding new jobs!
Cheers to challenges in life!
Cheers to new wonderful experiences in life!

<3 Razz

1 comment:

  1. so glad you took that leap of faith :)
    you'll be missed of course! But go do something that makes you happier :)
