Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monopoly kinda weekend!

The last weekend of February was a delight. 

i had a wedding at the Spanish Monastery in North Miami Beach. This place is very popular for weddings. Lots of Bride fall in love with the space ,and dream of a super romantic wedding there. The Spanish Monastery is truly a very romantic wedding space. My Bride & Groom were a delight to work with. They made my job very easy ,and i was so happy to be their wedding coordinator. Couples like them make my job that much better ,and are constant reminders to why i love working in this field. I ended my Friday feeling more confident ,and sure that this is what i am suppose to do. Can't wait for next Saturdays Wedding!

Johnny & I had it off from work. Man i can get use to that! Johnny & i woke up to our own internal alarm clock ,and with out a rush in the world. we started our Saturday with a fantastic breakfast made by my beloved unny ,and started getting ready for another Baby Shower.Lately we no longer get invited to house parties or weddings the latest party theme is Baby Showers.This baby shower was a block away from our home ,and in the park. Johnnys cousins baby shower to be exact. Its was a normal baby shower with baby games ,and lots of party food. ( i don't know why i go crazy when I'm at party ... i eat like if i haven't eaten in years) . The baby shower was fun ,but we had to leave early to set up for our own little party at home. Game night to be exact. 

johnny and i hosted a small game night with some of the co-workers ( well they are more friends than just co-workers) we played Taboo, Cranium,and Monopoly. now let me start of that i wasn't a lover of monopoly until last night. i guess it depends who you play with. Johnny on the other hand CRAZY about monopoly. i am now a lover of monopoly ,and i do admit at first i thought monopoly was hella boring ,but afterwards its was super fun buying lots of property ,and enjoying when i can to take other players money for rent. the night started at 8pm ,and we ended up playing monopoly for 4hrs till 3am. Loved it! we had such a wonderful time and i cant wait for the next game night. The night was truly a success. 

 Johnny of course beat us all by buying lots of hotels ,and charging us crazy money for Rent. johnny is still gloating how he knew he was going to beat every one. That's how obsessed the boy is!. Even Retro was is all the fun which he filled the night with lots of aggressive barking every time some one would scream or make any sudden movement. which is later ( thank goodness) tired himself out. 

waking up at 1pm ,and still lounging in bed blogging,youtubing,facebooking,and vegetating. we haven't moved from our bed ,and don't intend to at any near point. so HAPPY WEEKEND!

Cheers to a wonderful February!
Cheers to Monopoly!
Cheers to A comfy Bed!
<3 Razz

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Live in the Moment!

Live in the moment... man that is hard these days. two jobs, and no break in sight. i always think back how i should've enjoyed my free time as a teenager. the time i had off from school ,and when i would get out of school. those were the days where i did live in the moment. i took wonderful long naps, strolled around the city with out a care in the world. time was always available for me. now time is kinda moving a little too fast for me to really enjoy and live in the moment. time is moving so fast that going home is no longer to enjoy home ,but to sleep and wake up to do everything all over again.

i swear i try to live in the moment ,but if I'm not thinking of whats to come I'm literally planning for the next experience. its a little too much for my brain. things are flying by ,and i cant seem to catch them in time. i really need to start living in the moment because as soon as i catch on ill be 65 saying " where the hell did my life go" . 

Today i declare: 


Cheers to Moments in life!
Cheers to taking mental breaks!
Cheers to Living each Moment!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Better Late than Never ....

Happy Valentines Day!


"There is always some madness in love,but there is also always some reason in madness"
Friedrich Nietzsche
Johnny & I didn't celebrate valentines day last night because we celebrated it over the weekend. Johnny was also sick... he's caught the flu ,and stayed home from work to get better. It was a very beautiful valentines day because i was in the comfort of my home with my little family.
life couldn't get better last night.
Cheers to first valentines as Hubby & Wife!
Cheers to fighting the flu!
Cheers to little families!
<3 Razz

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines weekend

So i d/l this app on my phone that allows me to blog anywhere and everywhere. Johnny and i are currently watching the Grammy relaxing after a wonderful weekend. This weekend was fantastic! Friday started off with a celebration. It was my best friends mom birthday ,and all my moms best friends were there. Its super cute to see how they are all still best friends after 20yrs,and after living separately for so long never loosing touch. Now that is true friendship.

Saturday was a pretty busy day for me and johnny.we went to mini to order my mini countryman. I'm one month away from being a mini cooper owner,and im sooooooooo excited! We had to special order it because we had so much custom things to add to it. After that i had to go meet one of my brides for her final walk through. I love all my brides,but this young lady really out does herself. She is by far my favorite bride up to date. On Saturday night johnny and i went to the  church fair with the Britos by my mom in laws house. I love church fairs especially all the yummy food...i think that's the only reason i go. In this fair they had all different types of food from all different Latin countries. But my favorite of the night wasn't the Latin food it was the infamous fair Elephant Ears! Omg! To die for! My mouth waters every time i think of it. Saturday ended with Miami weather @ 58 and great friends.

<3 Church fair Love <3

 ( The Britos)

Sunday came ,and we've done absolutely NOTHING!... eat,and vegetate in-front of the TV. The Grammy are currently on ,and by far Bruno mars doowop performance is my favorite. That kid should've been born back in the days cause he sure has that style. So now i must leave and continue cuddling with my unny .

Cheers to church fairs!
Cheers to valentines day being everyday!
Cheers to relaxation!
<3 Razz

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We got Dipped!

Two weeks ago Johnny & I had the privilege of working with a great photographer. Her name is Ms.Dipp ,and she is one talented photographer. She is also one of Johnny's closest friend sister. The Dipps ( that's their last name) are a Sister & Brother Duo. She shoots ,and he edits which is fantastic when you keep the business in the family. Although ,they are siblings they both have two wonderful different personalities that make any one that's around them smile ,and vibrate positive energy. They give such fantastic vibes during the shoot that make you feel comfortable ,and super sexy.

Ms.Dipp approached Johnny & I to do a photo shoot at Gold Coast Railroad Museum in Miami ,FL . We were very siked for this shoot. i was extra siked because she asked for me to bring my wedding dress ,and to be honest with you I've wanting to put that  beautiful dress on again. so I jumped on the ball ,and said YES! for the shoot.  Bellow are some  photos that she sent me ... they were teasers because i cannot wait to see the rest!


                           ( so i truly have an obsession with my dress. i have to wear that puppy again ,and rock another shoot with it)

Johnny and i definitely enjoyed getting Dipped ,and cannot wait for the next one.

                                                            Cheers to Couples Shoots
Cheers to Beautiful Wedding Dresses!
Cheers to Fantastic Photographers!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Just how i like them.

 The start of our weekend began just how a Miami weekend should. Miami once again was back to its normal temperature high 80's with a clear ,and sunny sky. On Friday it was Johnny's Moms birthday ,and we spent it at her house celebrating ,and eating extremely yummy food. Like always theres music in the air and warm food in my tummy.
I've know this lady for the last 10 years of my life ,and she is truly an amazing mother, wife,friend,and mother in law. I'm so grateful to have been blessed with such beautiful in laws.

Saturday morning came and the hunny had to go to work ,and i had to get  my bi-weekly pampering. Saturday afternoon wasn't eventful at all and that was perfect. i absolutely had nothing to do until later in the day so all i did was lounge with me and the pup. later in the evening we had a baby shower. not your typical baby shower which i loved. This baby shower consisted of lots of laughter ,music,food, and NO GAMES! it was the best baby shower Ive been to. I'm not your typical traditional type of gal ,and do not like the typical only girl baby showers. I feel that baby showers shouldn't be for women only it should be open to men too. they are the ones that help make the babies so why not. another thing i loved about this baby shower was the stations where you design baby onesies. i looooooooooved the idea. you have memory of your guests ,and the baby can rock different designs that I'm sure other babies out there will no be rocking. Saturday night ended beautifully ,and we heading home even talking about our own future baby shower. ( I'm smelling kids in the near future.)

Sunday morning came with a fantastic wake up call.... a wet warm wake up call.....

Retro as always woke me up .... he loves jumping on our bed in the weekend and lounging with us. he gets comfortable ,and cozy between us and stays there like if he owns the bed. he makes all my weekend morning worth waking up to. Sunday was a very,very,very,very relaxing day.... woke up to whatever time we wanted ,did grocery shopping,went to see my soon to be mini ,ate dinner at long horn ( man that place is soooooooo yummy. never been and loved it) ,and went home to watch some good ol mindless TV. it was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend. i cant wait for this weekend to do the same all over again minus the baby shower... just us this weekend..... we don't celebrate valentines day because we believe every day should be valentines day ,but we are going to celebrate us with alone time which i love. i hope cinebistro is in our weekend future.

Hasta luego!!!!