My oh my has time flown by since i last wrote ,and how things have changed. for the last month Ive been working at my new job as Case manager for chronically mentally ill patients. i work from home ,and visit my clients at their homes as well. its been a little of a struggle with adapting to the new changes. Its not your normal 9 to 5 desk job that's for sure. Ive found my self sitting in my couch in my pj's doing my notes ,and visiting clients in the middle of the afternoon. although im still getting to learn my new job i love it. i love being home to cook johnny dinner , i love being home and taking care of any wifey duties. i love it! ,and i know im going to love it even more once i get the hang of it all.
another new thing in our lives is our new Minnie! ... i finally got my Mini cooper countryman S. This is my first brand new car ,and i love being in it. its so much fun to drive around in. its minnie and me against the roads of broward.
( This is the little face pop up while im writing my notes)
( Cinco de Mayo Celebration our way)
Cheers to new jobs
Cheers to Minnie
Cheers to Support
<3 Razz